Poonaikali Seeds

Poonaikali Seeds

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Poonaikali seeds, also known as Velvet Bean or Mucuna pruriens, originate from tropical regions, including Africa, India, and the Caribbean. Known for their remarkable health benefits, these seeds have been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. The plant is revered for its ability to enhance physical strength, vitality, and overall well-being.

Features and Benefits:

1.Rich in Nutrients: Poonaikali seeds are a rich source of protein, essential amino acids, and dietary fiber. They also contain vital minerals like magnesium, potassium, and zinc, contributing to overall health.

2. L-Dopa Content: One of the most significant benefits of Poonaikali seeds is their high content of L-Dopa, a natural precursor to dopamine. This makes them beneficial for supporting brain health, improving mood, and enhancing cognitive function.

3. Stress Relief and Mood Enhancement: The L-Dopa in these seeds helps in managing stress and anxiety by balancing dopamine levels in the brain. Regular consumption can promote a sense of well-being and improved mental clarity.

4. Supports Physical Performance: Traditionally used to enhance physical strength and stamina, Poonaikali seeds are popular among athletes and those leading an active lifestyle. They help improve energy levels and endurance.

5. Aphrodisiac Properties: Known for their aphrodisiac properties, Poonaikali seeds are often used to boost libido and improve reproductive health in both men and women.

6. Supports Muscle Growth: Rich in protein, these seeds support muscle growth and recovery, making them an excellent addition to the diet of fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders.

Weight - 100 grams

Poonakkali | Mucuna Pruriens | Poonaikkali Seeds| mucuna pruriens Seeds

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