You tube link for Blue Sapphire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoL6xtlRTUw
Among all gem stones Blue Sapphire plays a major role.In every individual's birth chart there is a position for Saturn.Fortunately some may have Saturn in apt position and some may have it in wrong side.Blue Sapphire is the gemstone of saturn as per vedic astrology.Saturn is Karmic planet and Saturn periods will make or break an individual's life.Sade sathi/Saturn cycle can be defining phase in an individual's life.
Among all the nine astrological gemstones also referred to as the jyotishGemstones the Blue Sapphire is the strongest and the fastest acting gemstones.For many individuals it shows effects quickly by way of gain in wealth,resolution to a problem.
Benefits of the Blue Sapphire
1.It is one of the fastest acting gemstone and the impact is felt instant.it can bless with wealth,good luck,oppoftunity and promotion etc.
2.if the blue sappbire is suitable it shows miraculous results especially in Saturn Transits like the Ssde sati.one can feel the relief instantly by viewing a boost metabolism, energy.
3.Neelam stone is a highly protective gemstone.it helps in protection from enemies,evil eye,hexing,jealousy etc.
4.Blue sapphire blesses the individual with the correct decision msking abilities.
5.It improves digestion and helps improve focus and concentration.
6.It has excellent healing abilities to sooth the senses and blesses with calmness and equanimity.
7.In certain horoscope situation it removes negativity,unknown fears and complexes.
8.Blue Sapphire has a direct impact on wealth levels.it gives positive boost in finances.
9.It gives names and fame.
10.To those who are spritually inclined it gives the capacity to perform austere spritual practices,improves the quality of meditation and aids in auezt of self realisation.Blue Sapphire has the power to balance the sahasra chakra/crown chakra,the chakra where the kundalini unites with the cozmic enervy.