13 Face Rudraksh With Silver Cappings
13 Face Rudraksh With Silver Cappings
13 Face Rudraksh With Silver Cappings

13 Face Rudraksh With Silver Cappings

Viha Online
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The wearer of 13 Face Rudraksh is protected from all problems related to Mars, whose ruler is Lord Kartikeya. Good for prosperity, courage, and confidence. 13 Face Rudraksh is also associated with Kama Deva, the God of love and hence good for success in love and harmony. This Rudraksha mainly belongs to Thirteen Ratna (Gems) and the wearer gets the thirteen Ratna (Gems) by the blessing of Lord Shiva. This Rudraksha removes all kind of diseases from the body of the wearer of this 13 Face Rudraksh. This Rudraksha also is known for possessing the power of thirteen Sant (Saints) and wearer of this Rudraksha becomes intelligent, powerful, sharp-minded, free from diseases, good spouse, sons, and daughter. The Person wants to live the life of King should wear this 13 Face Rudraksh; it is said by Bhagwan Dattatray.

With lab tested certificate