Karumariyamman Yantra - 3*3"inches

Karumariyamman Yantra - 3*3"inches

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Karumariyamman Yantra is a sacred geometric design imbued with the powerful energies of Goddess Karumariyamman, a revered deity in Hinduism known for her protective and nurturing aspects. This yantra is crafted with precision and devotion, serving as a spiritual tool to invoke the blessings, protection, and prosperity of the goddess. 

Goddess Karumariyamman is a form of the Mother Goddess, widely worshipped in South India, especially in Tamil Nadu. She is considered the guardian of health and well-being, protector against diseases, and granter of fertility and prosperity. The yantra dedicated to her encapsulates her divine energy, channeling it into the surroundings to create a space of protection, healing, and abundance. 


1. Protection : The Karumariyamman Yantra acts as a shield against negative energies, evil eyes, and malevolent forces, ensuring safety and protection for you and your loved ones.

2. Healing and Health : This yantra is believed to invoke the healing powers of Goddess Karumariyamman, promoting health, well-being, and protection against diseases and ailments.

3. Prosperity and Abundance : By inviting the blessings of the goddess, the yantra helps attract wealth, prosperity, and overall abundance in various aspects of life.

4. Spiritual Growth : Meditating on the Karumariyamman Yantra enhances spiritual awareness, deepens your connection with the divine, and fosters inner peace and enlightenment.

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Size - 3*3"inches

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