Trishool with Tripindh Bindi Stamp
Trishool with Tripindh Bindi Stamp
Trishool with Tripindh Bindi Stamp
Trishool with Tripindh Bindi Stamp

Trishool with Tripindh Bindi Stamp

Viha Online
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Trishool with Tripindh Teeka Bindi Tool is a unique and sacred accessory made of brass, designed to create the traditional Tripindh teeka (three horizontal lines) on the forehead, accompanied by a central dot or symbol. This tool integrates the power of the Trishool (trident), a symbol of Lord Shiva, and the spiritual significance of the Tripindh, which is often applied by devotees as a mark of devotion and connection to divine energy.

The Trishool (trident) is an ancient symbol in Hinduism, primarily associated with Lord Shiva. It represents the trinity of creation, preservation, and destruction, symbolizing Shiva’s control over time and space. The three prongs of the Trishool also symbolize the three gunas (qualities) of nature: sattva (goodness), rajas (passion), and tamas (ignorance), which Shiva transcends.

The Tripindh Teeka is traditionally worn by followers of Lord Shiva and other Shaiva sects. The three horizontal lines made with sacred ash (vibhuti) or sandalwood paste signify the wearer's detachment from material desires and their focus on spiritual knowledge and truth. The central dot or symbol often represents the third eye, emphasizing higher wisdom and divine vision.

Benefits as per Hinduism:

1. Symbol of Devotion: Applying the Tripindh teeka using this tool shows one's devotion to Lord Shiva and commitment to the path of spiritual wisdom. It symbolizes a connection to the divine and helps devotees focus their minds on spiritual practices.

2. Spiritual Protection and Purification: The Trishool, a part of this tool’s design, is a powerful symbol of protection. Applying the Tripindh teeka with this sacred tool is believed to cleanse the aura, protect against negative energies, and purify the mind and body.

3. Balance and Harmony: The three lines of the Tripindh teeka represent the balance between the past, present, and future. The tool aids in creating this sacred mark, which helps align one’s thoughts and actions with higher spiritual principles.

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