Saraswathi Yantra | Education Yantra | Yantra for Education
Saraswathi Yantra | Education Yantra | Yantra for Education
Saraswathi Yantra | Education Yantra | Yantra for Education
Saraswathi Yantra | Education Yantra | Yantra for Education

Saraswathi Yantra | Education Yantra | Yantra for Education

Viha Online
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Trouble in studies ? Perhaps, Viha's Saraswati Yantra would help. Known as education yantra, Saraswati yantra is made for devotees and Students to conduct pooja and worship to appease goddess Saraswati Yantra

ЁЯУМ The Yantra assures success in studies and educational activities. When the worshipper does the pooja and chants mantra regularly, it will definitely enhance the knowledge of the devotee.

ЁЯУМ It helps in resolving mental disorders, weak intellectual growth and lunacy problems.┬а

ЁЯУМ It seems to Help sharpen your intelligence, memory and grasping power. It helps to gains High achievement in competitive examinations.

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