12 Face Rudraksh With Silver Cappings
Twelve Face Rudraksha gives radiance, luster, brilliance, sharpness, youthfulness, and vitality. The wearer of Twelve Face Rudraksha gets the power of sight and power of timely action. Twelve Face Rudraksha pacifies the negative influence and afflictions of the Sun. 12 Face Rudraksha ruled by the Sun and the wearer is blessed with the quality of the sun to rule with radiance and strength. Wearer is freed from fear of fire and diseases. Gives wealth and happiness. Wearer never gets poverty. Removes sins committed by killing animals. Wearer never suffers from mental/physical agony. Makes fearless and trouble free. The 12 face Rudraksh has powers to cure several diseases. Gives leadership quality and power to control over people.
With lab tested Certificate.