The Brass Kalash, also known as Kalasam or Kudam, holds a profound place in Hindu rituals and ceremonies. Originating from ancient Vedic traditions, the Kalash is a sacred vessel crafted from brass—a metal symbolizing strength and purity. Its history intertwines with the rich tapestry of Hindu religious practices, where it serves as a vessel of consecration and divine energy.
Purity and Auspiciousness: Brass, known for its purity, lends the Kalash its divine essence. The vessel symbolizes auspicious beginnings and is often used to invoke blessings and divine presence during rituals.
Representation of Deities: The Kalash is adorned with symbolic representations of deities, often embossed or engraved, adding a spiritual dimension to its purpose. It may also be decorated with mango leaves, coconut, and red thread, further enhancing its sacred significance.
Uses and Benefits of Kalasam :
1. The Brass Kalash plays a central role in religious ceremonies, pujas, and yagnas. It is consecrated with water, accompanied by mantras and prayers, symbolizing the presence of deities and invoking their blessings.
2. The Kalash is associated with the concept of 'Purna-Kumbha' symbolizing abundance and completeness. It signifies the divine reservoir that holds the essence of life, prosperity, and spiritual fulfillment.
3. From temples to households, the Kalash is an integral part of worship. It is often placed atop religious altars or used as a centerpiece during festive occasions, radiating positive vibrations.
4. The consecrated water within the Kalash is believed to absorb divine energy, and sprinkling it during rituals or ceremonies is thought to purify the surroundings, bestow blessings, and protect from negative influences.
Weight - 530 grams
Height - 7"inches
Material - Pure Brass