Organic Bamboo Rice:
Grown small quantities in forest areas, the inevitable Bamboo rice is an authentic alternative to paddy supplements. Mainly sourced from tribes residing in the forest area, Bamboo rice is one of the short-grain rice varieties that's infused with bamboo extract, contributing the health benefits of chlorophyll and a rich green colour that’s retained when cooked. The grain is obtained from bamboo tree, which is the tallest herbs in the tropical forests. In Tamilnadu, it's one of the commonly used staples and addon for making rasam, curries and gravies in the form for moongil Arisi.
Benefits of Organic Bamboo Rice:
- The traditional rice variety - Bamboo rice is a rich source of nutrients including carbohydrates, fiber and protein, meant for balanced diet.
- It is believed that bamboo rice has low glycemic index compared to other varieties of rice, which is considered to be a healthier option for diabetics.
- The rice has low or no fat and rich in vitamin B.
- Above all, the Bamboo rice has certain properties that addresses infertility problems in men and women.
- The higher protein content in bamboo rice controls Joints pain, back pain and rheumatic pain and lowers cholesterol among elders.
Weight : 500 gm