Thumbai Dried / Leucas Dried Flower ( Raw )

Thumbai Dried / Leucas Dried Flower ( Raw )

Viha Online
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Viha presents Thumbai / Leucas, a revered herb known for its medicinal properties. With a rich history in traditional medicine, Thumbai offers natural remedies for several health conditions. At Viha, we bring you the finest organic Thumbai products that harness the power of this herbal treasure for your well-being.

Benefits of Thumbai / Leucas:

Respiratory Health: Thumbai is renowned for its respiratory benefits. It helps alleviate cough, cold, bronchitis, and other respiratory issues. Its expectorant properties assist in loosening and expelling mucus, providing relief and promoting clear breathing.

Anti-inflammatory Properties: Thumbai exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful in managing various inflammatory conditions. It can help reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain associated with arthritis, joint problems, and skin ailments.

Digestive Support: Thumbai aids in promoting healthy digestion. It helps stimulate appetite, alleviate indigestion, and relieve stomach discomfort. It may also assist in improving bowel movements and overall digestive health.

Skin Care: Thumbai offers excellent benefits for skin health. It helps soothe skin irritations, including rashes, itching, and minor wounds. Its antimicrobial properties may help combat bacterial and fungal infections, promoting healthier skin.

Viha offers a range of organic Thumbai products carefully crafted to deliver its therapeutic benefits:

Thumbai Oil: Our pure Thumbai oil is extracted from the finest Thumbai leaves, preserving its natural goodness. It can be applied topically to provide relief from respiratory congestion, joint pain, and skin conditions.

Thumbai Herbal Tea: Indulge in the refreshing Thumbai herbal tea, crafted from organic Thumbai leaves. This soothing beverage can be enjoyed for its respiratory and digestive benefits.

Thumbai Capsules: Viha's Thumbai capsules provide a convenient way to incorporate the healing properties of Thumbai into your daily routine. These capsules offer a concentrated dose of Thumbai's medicinal benefits.

We prioritize organic sourcing and sustainable practices to bring you the purest form of Thumbai for optimal results. Explore our range of Thumbai products and embrace the natural healing powers of this ancient herbal remedy.

Weight - 50 grams

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